The College library is spacious enough to accommodate hundreds of students at a time with an
exhaustive collection of over 3000 books, subscribed magazines, journals and newspapers and
undoubtedly one of the best equipped libraries among all colleges in the City. A book bank facility is
provided to the economically weaker students.
The Library holds a hybrid collection of printed as well as electronic resources, previous years
question papers and project reports to meet present and future information requirement of the students
and the faculties.
The library is fully automated with the help of Library Automation Software EASYLIB. The Library is
constantly updated with the latest books of knowledge.
The Library Has Separate Sections For
2.Circulation of books for the convenience of the
3.Separate reading rooms are provided for both boys,
girls and faculty.
4.Computer facility with high speed internet connectivity which allows the users to access
information from the internet
Rules & Rgulations of Library
1.Every student must possess his/ her library Card while making use of the Library facility and produce the same to the library Staff on entering the Library.
2.Strict discipline must be maintained in the Library. Failing which, disciplinary action and the library privileges will be withdrawn.
3.One Book will be issued against one reader’s ticket for specific number of days only.
4.Reference material should not be taken outside the library.
5.Books for overnight reading will be issued at specific time as decided by the Librarian and the same must be returned before 9.00 am next day.
6.Newspapers and periodicals are issued against Library cards for reading in the library only.
7.When books are issued, students should check the pages of the issued books and if pages are found missing, they should report the same to the librarian before leaving the counter. On returning the books, if pages are found missing,then the last borrower of the book shall be held accountable for the missing pages and shall accordingly be fined.
8.Students are required to handle books and reading material very carefully. Marking library books with pencil or ink, tearing the pages or spoiling the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such cases, the last reader will be held responsible unless he shows the librarian at the time of issue that the book had been previously marked or damaged. In the event of damage of any kind, the last reader will be liable to compensate for damage/replacement of the book.
9.It is observed that some of the students do not return the library books on or before the due date stamped on the date slip attached in the book, In order to prevent such students from keeping library books with them beyond due date, the fine of Rs.5/- per day will be charged.
10.In case a reader loses a book he/ she should replace the book. In case the book cannot be replaced. The current price of the book will be charged to the borrower.
11.Membership card is nontransferable. Students must not lend their Readers Ticket to any other student to borrow books from the Library. Library facilities will be withdrawn for students misusing cards.
12.The college Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate will be issued to student only after he/ she has returned all the Library books and cleared all library dues.
13.In case a student loses his/ her reader’s ticket then the student should report the loss of ticket immediately to the librarian and apply for a Duplicate card by paying Rs. 100/- per ticket.
Note: Strict action will be taken if any of the above rules are violated